Hi Stephen,
I don't think we ever met, but I remember George talking about you.
The only regret he ever expressed to me about his life was that he did not raise you.
I was very close to George from 1971 through the early 1980's. My regret is that, when George moved to Oregon after the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989, I lost that close relationship. I was busy raising my son (born in 1987 and named George, for your father) and working and dealing with my life issues. Although I saw George occasionally during those years, it was not nearly enough.
Your father was a great man and a wonderful mentor and friend.
I have been writing down my memories of George since Marjorie let me know he had passed. I am not sure what I am going to do with what I write -- keep it private, share it.
I am sorry you were deprived of George when you were young. He had such a great influence on so many people. I considered him the father I wanted to have, as opposed to the alcoholic, right-wing, emotionally unavailable father I had. I think George is the only man who ever respected me for who I am. To think that his own son missed out on being with him is so sad. He certainly missed you.
I will follow your blog, Stephen. I am glad you put the website up.
Gail Harper
This blog is in memory of your friend, my Father.
Please feel free to send me your memories, anecdotes, pictures and eulogies for posting.
Remember, you are Voices Of Change. Voice the changes you want to see and it shall be.
Thank you.
In Loving Memory, Stephen
Please support Robert McDowell's KickStarter campaign to produce a DVD documentary--conversations with George Hitchcock, legendary poet, editor of Kayak, painter, sculptor, actor, director, playwright, mentor/teacher, Emeritus Professor at UC Santa Cruz, novelist and extraordinary raconteur. George was one-of-a-kind. He lived life large, and his story is amazing. Please go to http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1869534146/george-hitchcocks-one-man-boat-a-film-biography and give what you can.
"I gladly acknowledge a considerable debt to George Hitchcock and Kayak. He dealt with me kindly and generously, and I had the pleasure of his company several times. I even gave a reading with him, once -- in, I think, Lexington, Kentucky. George read first, and I read second. It was impossible. George read his poems from loose sheets and threw them over his shoulder as he finished with them. By the time he was done, the show was over. To follow him, I needed to be a talking dog." ~ Wendell Berry
Please feel free to send me your memories, anecdotes, pictures and eulogies for posting.
Remember, you are Voices Of Change. Voice the changes you want to see and it shall be.
Thank you.
In Loving Memory, Stephen
Please support Robert McDowell's KickStarter campaign to produce a DVD documentary--conversations with George Hitchcock, legendary poet, editor of Kayak, painter, sculptor, actor, director, playwright, mentor/teacher, Emeritus Professor at UC Santa Cruz, novelist and extraordinary raconteur. George was one-of-a-kind. He lived life large, and his story is amazing. Please go to http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1869534146/george-hitchcocks-one-man-boat-a-film-biography and give what you can.
"I gladly acknowledge a considerable debt to George Hitchcock and Kayak. He dealt with me kindly and generously, and I had the pleasure of his company several times. I even gave a reading with him, once -- in, I think, Lexington, Kentucky. George read first, and I read second. It was impossible. George read his poems from loose sheets and threw them over his shoulder as he finished with them. By the time he was done, the show was over. To follow him, I needed to be a talking dog." ~ Wendell Berry