I am Bryan, George's grandson. I regret not knowing George better, but the time I spent with him in my teens left a lasting impression of intelligence and creativity that set me free of so much baggage.
Thank you so much, those who have shared your memories and photos. They have helped me know more about the amazing person George was. Please continue to share.
Fortunately, in the last few years I was able to share some of my writing success with George and Marjorie, to connect a little bit. For that I am grateful.
One thing is amazingly clear. My grandfather was truly blessed to have such a loving partner as Marjorie. She was very kind to me when I was a boy she had never even seen before. And in my more recent communication, her love and devotion to George was always apparent. More than anything, I grieve for her loss, and wish to express my gratitude to her for loving George so long and so well.
Life can be so cruel and pass so fast. People like Marjorie make it worth the struggle.
Peace, love and understanding,
Bryan Hitchcock
Sacramento, CA
.ps I would be interested in helping with a project to create a permanent internet presence for George's work. I lent my copy of "Lessons in Alchemy" to a friend long ago and never got it back. I'd love to help make new editions of George's work available to the world.